I/O & Peripherals

New set of RIO:

  • High performance and real-time systems
  • Modularity, scalability and compactness
  • Granularity of mounting access points
  • Mechanical buttons to extract single parts of the single module
  • Optimal price-technology balance


OPENrio SL is a modular automation system for assembly on a 35mm mounting rail. The wiring complexity is low because the 24VDC supply of the power section is integrated in the backplane bus and defective modules may be replaced without rewiring.

OPENrio SL system is made up of:

  • EtherCAT Bus coupler
  • Peripheral modules like digital and analog I/O
  • Relay output module
  • PWM output module
  • Encoder input module

Analog and P&D Bridge

An OSAI EtherCAT Bridge is a module including axes interface ports and several analog and digital I/Os.
We call it “Bridge” because it transforms the EtherCAT commands received by the CNC into signals required by Analog or Pulse&Direction servo-drives.
These modules, combined with OSAI CNCs, particularly suit machine tools retrofit.
The modules come in four versions, “Analog” or “Pulse & Direction” and 4 or 6 “axes management”.

  • 4 (or 6) analog or P&D outputs
  • 4 (or 6) encoder input for axes
  • 1 (or 3) additional analog outputs for spindles and devices
  • 1 additional encoder Input for Handwheel
  • 4 Analog Inputs
  • 32 or 64 digital input
  • 32 or 64 x digital output

Compact I/O

COMPACT I/O ETK is an EtherCAT based I/O module with an excellent price/performance ratio providing a wide range of I/O that meets the needs required to fully manage a complete machine.

COMPACT I/O ETK provides 32+32 Digital I/O with status LED, configurable Analog Inputs, Analog Outputs and 2 Encoder Inputs. All this I/O gives the ability to interface to different types of devices, such as handwheels, analog inverters for spindles with or without encoder feedback, additional feed/speed potentiometers, etc.

With easy installation, the complete I/O range and the compact design make this module particularly suitable for optimizing the configuration of new machines as well as machine retrofits.

  • EtherCAT interface
  • 32 Digital In
  • 32 Digital Out
  • 2 Analog In
  • 2 Analog Out
  • 2 Encoder